Conquer Promotional Solutions

Lifestyle and Leisure



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Suitable for handbag through ultra-light weight, easy to handle thanks to sliding safety runner,windproof features for higher frame flexibility and stability in windy conditions, soft-touchhandle with promotional labelling option

Sturdy aluminium frame in titanium finish, simple opening by safety runner, high qualitywindproof system with flexible FARE®-FlexBar plastic ribs for a higher flexibility and stability inwindy conditions, water and dirt repellent cover properties through original DuPont™ Teflon®fabric protection, translucent runner, handle in titanium finish with promotional labelling option,practical sleeve with mesh insert

Eye-catching inside print with cloudy sky, coated outer cover with sun protection factorUPF50+, high quality windproof-system with extremely flexible FARE®-FlexBar plasticribs for a higher flexibility and stability in windy conditions, Soft-Touch handle withpromotional labelling option

Lightweight but sturdy aluminium frame, convenient automatic function for a quick opening,flexible fibreglass ribs, high quality windproof system for maximum frame flexibility in stormyconditions, attractive Soft-Touch handle with silver push-button and promotional labelling option

Lightweight aluminium shaft, lotus shaped fibreglass rib construction for extra stability, simpleopening by springless opening technology, windproof features for higher frame flexibility andstability in windy conditions, straight soft touch handle with promotional labelling option,convenient carrying case with drawcord

Eye-catching inside print with cloudy sky, outside cover with sun protection factor UPF 50+,convenient opening due to simple opening by springless opening technology, lightweight butstrong aluminium shaft, lotus shaped fibreglass rib construction for extra stability, windprooffeatures for higher flexibility and stability in windy conditions, soft-touch crook handle withhandle ring suitable for laser print

Fast opening and closing by hand, convenient shortened opening and closing stroke, attractivedesign through titanium finish frame and details, lightweight aluminium shaft, flexible fibreglassribs, windproof features for higher frame flexibility and stability in windy conditions, soft-touchcrook handle with promotional labelling option

Convenient automatic function for quick opening, flexible fibreglass ribs, windproof featuresfor higher frame flexibility and stability in windy conditions, water and dirt-repellent coverproperties through original DuPont™ Teflon® fabric protection, crook handle made of aluminium(suitable for laser print)

Aluminium luggage tag with a metal cord fastening.

Aluminium mini torch with one LED light and carabiner to

Sturdy aluminium stem withadjustable height and steel ribs

Aluminium COB flash light with focus function. Batteries included.

Strong and durable compact multi-tool made from high quality stainless steel with handles made of beech wood. This is a must-have tool for any scout, handy man, and outdoor enthusiast. Includes 12 functions: large nose pliers, standard pliers, wire cutter, serrated blade, bottle/can opener, flat screwdriver, medium flat screwdriver, small knife, philips screwdriver, medium knife and file, and file cleaner. The beech wood used is from sustainable, environmentally and socially responsible sources. The size when opened is 11 x 6 cm, and when closed 7.2 x 3.4 cm. Comes with an instruction manual and is packed in a recycled cardboard gift box with a size of 9.5 x 5.5 x 2.5 cm. Laser engraving is recommended as a sustainable decoration option. Beech wood, Stainless Steel.

André reflective and waterproof helmet cover. Ideal helmet safety cover for cyclists that increases visibility. Made of high performance waterproof WP 600 lime fluorescent material with reflective film. Selected parameters are tested according to EN 13356:2001 Type 2. Polyester.

Introducing the Antimicrobial Spork to our range. The Spork, has a fork one end and spoon the other, perfect for lunches on the go. Made in the UK with 100% recycled plastic, and an antimicrobial additive. This additive has as its main ingredient, ionic silver which is well known for its natural sterilising properties. With this additive, the spread of bacteria and germs on the surface of the recycled plastic material is reduced by 98%. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured Pantone matching at additional cost.

Flying Disc, lightweight design and flies exceptionally well. Made in the UK with 100% recycled plastic, and an antimicrobial additive. This additive has as its main ingredient, ionic silver which is well known for its natural sterilising properties. With this additive, the spread of bacteria and germs on the surface of the recycled plastic material is reduced by 98%. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured Pantone matching at additional cost.

Patented frame (DE Pat. Nr. 10 2008 057 825 B4/DOS 10 2009 058 416), convenient automaticopen/close function for quick opening and closing, safety closing due to the Stop and Goautomatic, high quality windproof system with extremely flexible FARE®-FlexBar plastic ribs fora higher flexibility and stability in windy conditions, water and dirt repellent cover propertiesthrough original DuPont™ Teflon® fabric protection, handle with silver push button andpromotional labelling option, large hospitable diameter

Convenient automatic open/close function for quick opening and closing, high quality windproofsystem with highly flexible FARE®-FlexBar ribs for higher flexibility and stability in windyconditions, chromed steel shaft, nylon cover with elegant woven design, water and dirt repellentcover properties through original DuPont™ Teflon® fabric protection, exclusive handle with realleather trims, integrated push button and promotional labelling option, attractive sleeve withconvenient zipper, large diameter for multiple people, single packed in a high quality gift box

Convenient automatic open/close function for a quick opening and closing, high qualitywindproof-system with extremely flexible FARE®-FlexBar plastic ribs for a higher flexibility andstability in windy conditions, water and dirt-repellent cover properties through original DuPont™Teflon® fabric protection, Soft-Touch handle with integrated push-button and promotionallabelling option, large diameter for multiple people, convenient sleeve with mesh insertand practical drawcord

Convenient automatic open/close function for a quick opening and closing, high qualitywindproof system with extremely flexible Fibertec® rib construction for maximum frameflexibility in stormy conditions, water and dirt-repellent cover properties through originalDuPont™ Teflon® fabric protection, exclusive chromed crook handle with push-button

Shapely handle with details in silver, silver closing strap, convenient automatic open/closefunction for a quick opening and closing, high quality windproof system with extremely flexibleFibertec® rib construction for maximum frame flexibility in stormy conditions, water and dirtrepellentcover properties through original DuPont™ Teflon® fabric protection, hand friendlyhandle with integrated push-button and silver details, convenient sleeve with drawcord andpromotional labelling option

Suitable for handbag due to its small size and light weight, patented frame (DE Pat. Nr.19856120), convenient automatic open/close function for quick opening and closing, windprooffeatures for higher frame flexibility and stability in windy conditions, water and dirt-repellentcover properties through original DuPont™ Teflon® fabric protection, Soft-Touch handle incolour matching cover with chromed push-button and promotional labelling option, sleeve withstrap in black woven material

Sturdy shaft of light weight aluminium, convenient automatic open/close function for a quickopening and closing, high quality windproof-system with flexible FARE®- FlexBar plastic ribs fora higher flexibility and stability in windy conditions, water and dirt-repellent cover propertiesthrough original DuPont™ Teflon® fabric protection, silver handle with integrated push-buttonand promotion labelling option



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